Common Trap Questions You’ll Be Asked At A Job Interview
Experienced managers and interviewers are so skilled at asking few questions that will yield great depth of information about job applicants. One of the ways they do this is by asking tricky or trap questions that will uncover areas that my reflect inconsistencies. Asides the top most asked interview questions you should practice before the […]
The Path To Self-Confidence
We all have the ability to stand confident and go after the life that we want. However, not everyone believes this. Some feel that confidence is gifted to those who only belong to a certain status, who live a certain lifestyle or who look a certain way. Well, you are wrong. Confidence is not an […]
Things To Look Out For In A Job Offer
You’ve received a job offer. Now what? If you already know you’re not interested in working with a company, you can toss that job offer aside. If you already have your mind made up that you want to work for that company, your job offer will either confirm and deny your instincts. Even if things […]
Top 10 Legitimate Work From Home Jobs For Moms And Students In Nigeria
Work from home is the ultimate indication of freedom for many. Most especially for mothers and students who are looking for career options that are both rewarding and flexible, work from home jobs can be a fantastic, feasible option. Finding work from home jobs in a country like Nigeria is a significant challenge for many […]
Signs You Need To Switch Up Your Inner Circle
The company we keep play a huge role in our lives. Our inner circle can build us up. Our inner circle can provide a lot of support. Our inner circle can motivate us to aim high. However, if you are not careful, you might find yourself in the wrong company. You might find yourself surrounded […]
Top Jobs That Didn’t Exist 10 Years Ago
Innovation is changing a lot of things in the world. New technologies are improving lives as well as creating new opportunities. With these new technologies comes new career opportunities and jobs that never existed before. Several years ago some of the new buzz words like big data and machine learning are not in vogue but […]
What To Do When Life Seems Unchanging
There is a movie that I love called “Fences” with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. There’s a particular scene when Denzel’s character breaks down and he says, “ don’t you know it’s hard for me to admit that I’ve been standing in the same spot for years?” That line was such a touching moment. I’ve […]
Simple Ways To Reduce Your Business Expenses
As a small business, cutting cost on basic business expenses without compromising quality is a great way to increase your margins. Profit margin is a simple mathematical equation that depends on two factors: revenue and expense. For achieving higher margins, you have only two choices, either to increase your revenue or to reduce the expenses. In an […]
Things Recruiters Don’t Want To See In Your CV
This is concise list of 10 things employers do not want to see in your CV. Lots of jobseekers still go ahead to make their CVs uninteresting and unreadable. Go through the list below to learn what to avoid including in your CV. 1. Boring long list of duties and responsibilities 2. They Don’t Want […]
Tackling Your Insecurities & Fears
We all have some form of fears and insecurities. It’s a part of life. It’s not a bad thing. However, we have to be careful to not allow our insecurities and fears to fester into our lives to the point that it cripples us. We have to not let insecurities and fears come into our […]