What To Do When Life Seems Unchanging

There is a movie that I love called “Fences” with Denzel Washington and Viola Davis. There’s a particular scene when Denzel’s character breaks down and he says, “ don’t you know it’s hard for me to admit that I’ve been standing in the same spot for years?” That line was such a touching moment. I’ve never forgotten that line because during my dark moments, I can’t seem to escape it.

During my dark moments, I look around and I can’t see myself moving forward. I feel as though I run around in circles pursuing the same goals and desiring the same things over and over again.

Maybe you have felt this way before? Maybe you have had moments when it feels as though life is not changing and you start to feel numb? Here is what you can do during those moments.

Question What Area of Your Life Feels Stagnant?

When life seems unchanging, you need to question everything. What aspect of your life appears to be stagnant. Is it your career? Do you feel that there is no growth and progress in the job and trajectory of your work life?

Is it within your relationship and friendships? Do you feel as though your circumstances do not reflect the things you’d want in your friendships and in your relationship? You have to understand what aspect of your life feels unchanging.

Pinpoint The Different Areas of Growth 

At times, not everyone is able to clearly see the areas of change and growth in their life. Change and growth is not always outwardly visible. Sometimes, change and growth can be within. The growth can be in the way you see yourself, how you take care of yourself and others. The change and growth can be how you speak to yourself and what you choose to spend time on.

Try to pinpoint any area of change and growth you see in your life. Even if it’s one simple thing, be able to identify it. This will help to change your perspective of how you see your life.

Be In A Different Space

If you feel as though things in your life are unchanging, you might have to make an extra effort to put yourself in a new environment. Be in a different space and it will positively affect how you think and see yourself and others.

Open yourself up to a different environment and people in order to have the change you’d like to see in your life.

Reflect on What Brings You the Most Happiness

Everyone in this life wants to be happy. It is universal. However, what does happiness look like to you? Happiness looks different to everyone. If you truly want to be happy, be able to describe what happiness means to you. Write out what your happiness involves and then take the steps to bring that to reality.

Get Some Advice from Others

If your life seems unchanging, then get some advice and guidance from others. This advice could be from trusted friends and family members.

The advice could be from someone you admire regarding your career or academic pursuits.

You could also get counselling from a therapist if you need guidance on how to navigate the problems you face within yourself.

Actively Pursue Change

You can’t continue to be a passive participant in your life and wonder why things aren’t changing?

Once you’ve been able to pinpoint areas of your life where there is a lack, you need to constantly seek ways of bringing about a change.

Change might look uncomfortable. It might require you to walk into new doors. It might require you to walk away from the old in order to step into something better. Pursue change.

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